Friday 30 July 2010

Towards positivity - Day 1

I've joined Preeti's "7 Days of positivity" club.  I first found this concept here in priya's blog.  It's all about being positive and creating positivity around you, especially when you feel low.  Isn't it a great idea to jot down all small things that make you happy.  Read on!

Here, I am beginning “my 7 days” towards achieving positivity and being grateful!

1. The day started out to be gorgeous, especially with some extra hours of sleep in the morning; that was refreshing for me.

2. I am happy and grateful to Preeti for having created such a great idea towards spreading positivity.  People who think this as some idea that doesn't work out, please walk out or change your attitude.  This initiative is a phenomenal success and is spreading like a fire through blogosphere and more.

3. I had a great (read delicious) dinner with S at a vegetarian restaurant, after a very long time.  It's not we don't dine out often, but it's hard to find such good restaurants around.

--> I am grateful to S (again) for taking me to watch Toy story in 3D.  Its flawless comedy, satisfying 3D effects, exciting and touching story is all that I liked about it.  More than the movie, I liked the long walk we had post movie to reach back home, at midnight.
5. Should I say that I am glad about myself (can’t be too modest here), for writing this post at odd hour of this day (2.30AM), just because I WANTED to start it! 

I am enjoying penning down my small happy moments here, and I really find great happiness in reading others post about this. It works out buddy! Why not try it!

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