Monday 30 January 2012

What's your state of mind - An Illustration

I've often co-related state of mind to a water wave!  Probably that's true.  That's why people say "Why your mind is wavering?"  

I thought I will illustrate their relation through photographs of waves!  I know, while my mind was wavering through a topic to write today, this crap was born!!  Enjoy and get enlightened ;)

This is how your mind is when you are in shanti (calm) state

Initial stages of worry and stress cause a bit of shake in your mind

Slight increase in blood pressure, not being able to concentrate, sleepless nights, and nothing-is-happening syndrome arise! And your mind starts raging!

 Increased tension, stress, getting annoyed, yelling at someone, bad moods are common in this phase.

 Verge of frustration, anger, depression, high BP, feel like slapping or kicking someone

And you are all set to explode

The actual explosion of mind happening here!  Often portrayed by the act of yelling, swearing, crying, even attempting to self harm or cause physical harm to others!!

The mind slowly tries to calm down! 

 You kind of realise your act of stupidity in this phase or even wonder why you behaved in such a way!

Getting back to normal stage!

I know what you are thinking just now!  Don't worry.  My mind is still in a shathi state only.  It's just I thought of illustrating the mind set and behavioral patterns in a nice way!  But I understand that it turned out to be a total nonsense :)

Now just erase those insane words, and enjoy those pictures. These lovely wave formations (actually high tide waves) just amazed me so much in my recent trip.  I took 100's of pictures of such rising tide and water splashing on the rock or a building!  And on a good weather condition (read non freezing cold), one can enjoy this sudden showers thrown on you!  Totally.  


  1. Wowww nice way to say!!!!!

    1. Do you think so ??? Thanks Kala for all the support!

  2. ANd what way to show it , Sometimes it is not easy to understand words but pictures say it all :)


  3. Beautifully explained with the right pictures.
