Tuesday 1 May 2012

Grasmere in Lake District

We went on trekking at Grasmere, a small lake town in Windermere.  This is the home for William Wordsworth for many years.  He even described this place as "the loveliest spot that man hath ever found".  No wonder he wrote his best poetries in Grasmere.  He died at Rydal Mount (in Grasmere) and is buried along with his family members in Grasmere churchyard.   It was said that William and his sister Dorothy often loved to walk around White Moss or sit on the shores of Grasmere and write poetries.  

So, we chose this location to do our trekking bit.  We drove from Windermere to White Moss Common Car park and started our Loughrigg Terrace Walk.  Loughrigg Fell (Hills or Mountains are called as Fell here) is one of the hill in central part of lake district.  It has unusual amount of water bodies and lakes surrounding them.  We passed through gorgeous flowing river and wooden bridge.  

Started to climb the mountain while we saw a few mountain-biking enthusiasts pedalling through the narrow path.  It sure was an adrenaline rush - even to see them ride! After climbing more than a few hundred yards, what we saw was a stunning Grasmere Lake! 


  1. These water bird pics are toooo goodddd!!!!

  2. The lake looks good, and the birds seem to enjoy their stay there. I wish I had stamina to do mountain biking!

    Destination Infinity

    1. I know..i can never even do proper cycling!

  3. The lakes in British Isles are beautiful. The swans really make the day! I was in Inverness and this swan really made my morning walk memorable! This picture was taken at Loch Ness.

    1. Very true Kusum. I simply loved LAke District!

  4. beautiful place and lake
    very nice photos with info

    thanks for sharing and visiting my blog

  5. Loved the birds. They look like painting. Trekking? I envy you, Vaish! Like the last picture too!

    1. Yes Sandhya...we trek a lot..that's the only good thing we do... :)

  6. What a serene place! lovely photos..

  7. ooh yes I have been here tooo and it is beautiful ..

    so hey suggest some lovely place ot go to some summers (if they come that is ) :)


    1. Thanks Bikk!
      Visit Yorkshare Dales..

  8. Havent heard of this place before, but it looks so picturesque and serene...

  9. like your short and great travel stories!
