Saturday 4 February 2012

Isle of Arran - Part 3

It wouldn't be fair to leave the travelogue incomplete.  So, I will conclude this long procrastinated travelstory here.  You might want to read through Isle of Arran - Part 1 and Part 2 here. 

Third part is nothing much except rain and more rain!  But the summer/early autumn rain is always beautiful.    They smell nice!

Brodick Castle located on the north side of Brodick Bay, is situated under the shadow of Goatfell mountain and is a part of Brodick Country park.  A venture into this country park will make you witness walled gardens, Bavarian summerhouse, an ice house and various woodland walking trials.  Not to forget the flora and fauna that were in abundance.  I like country parks for walking trials.  The routes are normally scenic and simple to walk on any given day. With that erratic weather, we gave up our plans of trekking Goatfell and chose the woodland trial. But reaching the brodick castle from our B&B itself was a scenic trial. 
And as we passed through this tiny stream...

We were just hunting to catch sight of the castle, but that was so misty.  And Ah, we spotted it finally.  

We walked about 1 mile away from the centre of the town and saw this lovely stretch of coastline covered by mist

There are numeral walking trials to reach Brodick castle and trek up to the Goatfell.  We chose this route and it was so green!  

These Gazebo kind of small houses were beautiful inside the country park.  

And that's the only proper castle photo I managed to take in that rain.

One can spend a day inside this country park.  There's so much to see and do.  It's worth a visit during spring when rhododendron bursts in full bloom (I was said this information at the ticket centre). 
This is the walking trial route which took us through the wildflower meadows.  

And the trial ended with this dramatic small wooden bridge.  

Since it was drizzling constantly,  I could not take many pictures.
 Brodick Castle and country park is worth a visit if you are in Isle of Arran.  This whole isle is a beautiful nature filled place with so much to do and see.  


  1. A perfect countryside. Nice snaps.

    1. Thank you Vyankatesh! Yes, it was a postcard perfect countryside, looked better with my eyes than my lens!

  2. What a beautiful place to tour and take pictures. Lovely!

    1. Yes indeed it was so beautiful. Given a choice, I would love to live a life there! It's a place sans chaos, traffic, pollution, noise!

  3. Isle of Arran is so quaint and old world.. almost like it belongs to some fairy tale! Glad to have discovered a blog of another travel enthusiast and a shutterbug :-)

    1. Yes, it's not very modern, but people are! There isn't much of population except the tourists. Thanks for taking time to visit my blog. I'm equally happy to have found your blog :)

  4. Wonder how they made such big castles back then... I wonder how you have the stamina and patience to walk for a long time just to take photos... I get exhausted within a short distance! The photo showing the tar road with greenery is looking amazing.

    Destination Infinity

    1. Yes DI. It never ceases to amuse me to look at the castles all day! And to get a perfect picture, I wouldn't mind walking tirelessly. This travel or walk I did is nothing when compared to some other castles or walks! I should be glad that S doesn't say no to give me company. He's very supportive, as long as I don't consider him as my subject of photography ;)
