Sunday 18 December 2011

Isle of Arran - Part 2

I know it's been like what 2 months since I wrote Isle of Arran-Part 1 travelogue!  It isn't wise if I left it unfinished.

So without discussing my hibernation, I dive into the travel post.  Next day was fantastic in terms of the weather.  Arran does have good roads and public transport, but it's much easier if you have your own transport.

But the buses do the round trip around Arran which is a biggest advantage if you depend on public transport.   There are north bound and south bound round trips from Brodick.  Each of these round trips takes you around 60 minutes going through the most narrow roads, though ups and downs of the valley, giving you the best scenic drive.
Lochranza, situated on the north has 2nd largest settlement and ferry terminal in Arran.  The bay along with the ruined Lochranza castle is a postcard perfect scene not to be missed while you are at Arran.

Ruined 16th century castle and the dried up lake in Lochranza village. Apparently, Lochranza is said to have the least hours of sunshine of any village in UK since it lies in a north facing valley on an island. 

Total population in this village is about 200.

We left Lochranza after spending sometime walking around the village to the south side of Arran, Kildonan.  Someone in Arran told that we could spot seals sitting in the shores very often.

 View from a restaurant in Kildonan where we had our lunch.

2 separate isles and the tiny lighthouse is a treat to eyes.  There are private boat hires to go to the lighthouse.  We strolled along the shore for as long as we could spot a seal.  Fortunate for the nice sunny weather the walk was pleasant.  As we realised that there's no seal around, we decided to climb up the steps to catch our bus.

Cute little place as we walked for another 30 minutes along the road to take the bus.  

View of Lamlash bay, our next destination.  This is the largest village by population in the whole of Arran. And this is where Local government offices and police quarters is located.

That's the Holy Island overlooking lamlash bay.  We were appalled by the beauty of this bay and the Holy Island that was standing in the centre of the sea.  This island is home to a community of Buddist Monks.  There are charted 10 minute boat trips to the island.  

As we adored the beauty of this bay, we missed our last bus to go back to Brodick.  From the map, we thought Brodick is just 2 miles away and started to walk towards a direction.   It started to get dark, and both of us were the only souls walking on a busy highway with not even a torch or street lamp.  I cursed myself for my over obsessive camera stuff as we tried to walk much faster.  We even tried to stop the cars for lift, but none were offered to us :(  

Luckily a car stopped as I waved my hands.  I was so happy that someone has stopped.  When the car came to a halt, I realised it was Police patrol car.  There was a smart guy in the driver seat who offered us a lift!  He told that he was patrolling his way from Lamlash to Brodick.  After 15 minutes, he dropped us at the Brodick Harbour and waved bye to us.  That was such a relief to me and S!  

That night we went to Arran on the Plate, a local restaurant in Brodick.  After a nice traditional vegetarian food, we left to our B & B.