
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Thursday Challenge - EARTH

For this week's Thursday challenge I couldn't get a better photo than this which represents EARTH in the form of Sun (shining), Water and Mountain (at the farthest end). 

I personally liked today's TC topic a lot - the abundance of nature, land, animals, birds, trees, water, mountains. They are indeed the most beautiful creations of GOD.     

But  I cannot bypass the thought of what mankind is doing to this Mother EARTH.  I cannot stop myself from saying, God created beautiful earth on one side, and created mankind on the other side - to destroy the beauty of earth.  Pardon me if I'm wrong.  But take any nature/ or natural resource, and there's always something mankind is doing to destroy them instead of protecting them, preserving them for the future generations.   By mankind, I mean every single human being on earth.  I have not done anything to protect the Earth.  

We build skyscrappers for dwelling and to just glorify about our architectural capability to the neighboring country that I have the tallest skyscrapper on earth!

We kill animals for living, medicinal values, and use their skin, nails, even their flesh! And finally we mourn that they will soon be extinct if we don't protect them!  

We shoot birds for fun and hobby!

We cut trees to build luxurious resorts/ villas, to make paper and other products which again we shamelessly waste. 

We pollute water, pee on them, do everything to spoil the purity of water, and complain that we live in such a world that we have to even buy water!

If we continue to preserve the EARTH this way, soon the next generations will not even know what was earth like when god created.  Or they could only read them in books or see in videos.  


  1. Beautiful picture! Very true about pollution. when I see the sacred rivers of India my head bends with shame! Even the very orthodox seniors of India hesitate to take a dip in the sacred waters!!

  2. "Man has been given everything to satisfy his needs. But not his greed". For some reason, God has instilled the quality of greed in every human being which makes him/her selfish enough to not live in harmony with the rest of the creatures. But the same greed has enabled some wonderful inventions. Sometimes I wonder if man was God's 'slow poison' to wipe off this earth off all its life and self-destruct at the end.

    Destination Infinity

  3. Such a beautiful picture and true words there! Indeed, its high time we stopped cribbing and started doing something about things. Each one of us needs to stand up and take the responsibility of protecting our beloved Mother Earth before it is too late!

  4. life is beautiful if only we did the little we ought to do...

  5. Its so true that we harass and abuse our mother earth in all possible ways, they don't seem to realize that there are no habitable planets anywhere near us if we damage our earth beyond repair!

  6. Wow! Golden capture. So perfect for the theme.

  7. Hi Anu,
    you have a beautiful blog here and am glad I stumbled here through google while searching for a pic of sunbeams.And to see that our own talented girl Indrani is also here is a bonus. Your pics have forced me to be a regular here :)
    AND I have used one of your beautiful pic in my post here at -
    If you have any issue with it kindly inform I will remove the link and the pic.
    best wishes, Kokila
