
Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Take the pledge

How many of you make sure to drop the litter only on a trash, and not anywhere on the road?

How many of you strictly follow to the traffic rules?

How many of you pay regular tax, without evading it? (Tricky Question!!)

How many of you travel by public transport to office?

How many of you pay at least a small portion of your salary to charity REGULARLY?

Have you planted at least one plant/sapling in your lifetime?

Have you used any eco-friendly products?

All these have some or little things in common. The ways to improve your city, and your way of living. "First of all, are you following this??" should be the question many would ask me! (I heard your mind voice lad!!).  There is a saying "Change yourself if you wish to change the world".  So, I don't want to write them unless I follow each and every one of them!!  Understood?? Better!!

I’ve always seen people behaving as if Traffic rules are meant to be broken. Are we educated illiterates to put the Banana skins,chewing gums and cigars on the road? And that remains me of spitting and public urination in sucks!!  And altogether it needs a separate post!!

Aren’t we under the hot seat with a huge responsibility to transform society? We always point out that the society is bad, people are always like this-that. But aren’t "WE" the Society we are talking about. Unless we - the people change, how can we expect the society (that is a conglomerate of all WE people) to change?

I understand that there are wide areas to improve, but to start, why not we at least do the above???

When are we going to realize that it’s a high time, and start contributing towards the improvement of your society??


  1. of course..i folo all these..a small weakness i have is i tell lies sometimes...heheh..joking ya..appreciate your concern towards society..promise to folo what i can...shukriyaa...

  2. Ramesh..I'm glad you are open, and I'm sure you will start following some of them!

  3. I am trying to follow all the things you have mentioned.. but its quite tough here..

    1. Most of the time I am obeying traffic rules.. but one day me along few people waiting in a signal but no vehicles were stopping when the signal turns red. How the people can cross? I didn't had any work that day so I went to next signal to cross.. but If I had work I would have went along with the bunch of people..

    2. Taxes are getting deducted from salary so I think I am paying them regularly.. also I don't produce any fake doc to reduce the tax.

    3. I don't have a vehicle with me except cycle.. so mostly use public transport

    4. I try to do.. But didn;t done many a times.. have to make it as a habit.

    5. I have planted enough saplings.. but may were died :(

    6. I don't know what is meant by eco-friendly products.. generally the people talk about it use the tissue paper instead of kerchiefs.. also there is no limit in using tissues.. I think that's bad..

    nice post there Anu... It needs a collective effort and self discipline to achieve that.. for that they need to taught from school..

  4. /*Are we educated illiterates to put the Banana skins,chewing gums and cigars on the road? And that remains me of spitting and public urination in India*/

    I think its all in bringing up.. we forgot to instill in the minds of people that the above things are wrong in school. Even in many school the toilets are not there else poorly maintained...

    And I doubt whether we can find a proper dust bin anywhere near the main roads, bus stops or streets. So some steps needs to be taken from govt. side also to improve the practice..

  5. @ Kanagu - Kudos to your patience first! Long comments!!

    1. I know its difficult especially during the peak office hours. But if 1 person follows the rules, there will be 2-3 others who will following you :)

    I'm glad about your say on rest of the points.

    yes- these spitting/urinating/littering is causing such huge problems. We are forced to blame the government for this. The good news is - there are dustbins - I can find 1 in every 100-200 metres in chennai these days :)

  6. The worst part is people who follow these rules by the book are sometimes treated as nerds or wierdos .... I do try not to throw trash as much as possible and try to obe traffic rules as well....Planting saplings is omething for which I never had an opportunity so far.....

  7. Oh jaish how true....infact while I was waiting for the signal to go green, few of my fellow travellers have me a wowed look as to I'm commuting some crime :(

  8. Oh my...Sorry jaish...i was so fast in replying from my mobile, that the entire sentence is struck with typos!

    Here it goes -
    Oh jaish how fact while I was waiting for the signal to go green, few of my fellow travellers have given me a wierd look as to I'm committing some crime :(

  9. As per an Indian saying, when we point a finger towards anyone, the rest 4 fingers point towards us! so, good u told about ur list also! Just kidding.

    hmm, even i was counting mine, reading this, I always carry a bag in the car, to put the disposable things in it. follow traffic rules and take pride in it, have potted plants in my home.... so i think i am reasonably fine!

    thought provoking post!


  10. A thought provoking post. :)

    Like the points mentioned by u in the begining of the post. :)

  11. RS - Its natural for anyone to question me if I first follow them or not! I knew :) So, its really safe that I added it :)

    @ Chandrika -
    thank you dear!

  12. I follow all of them! And ppl who dont, irritate me.

    And I'd written a related post looooooooong bac...way back in 2004 in fact:

  13. @ Priya - ya..and they irritate us to the core!! Have commented on your related post too!
