
Monday, 11 January 2010

Appraisal Time

This is my first post in 2010. Though late, Wishing you all a wonderful and fun-filled new Year 2010. Let this year bring a lot of happiness and success to all of you.

The year 2009 started with a bang of fireworks at London and ended started 2010 with the new year celebration at Belgium.  2009 gave us a loads of memories to cherish, lots of celebrations, time to spend with dear ones and mistakes to learn from. I enjoyed 2009.

As this year started, my husband darling reminded me of "my resolutions". The year before last year I added a lot of salt in my food and the so-called-rosham made me take as many resolutions in 2009. I’ve infact been tracking them for close to 6 months. I somehow dont like the word "Resolution" just because of the fact, I cannot follow them!!!

I was madly in love with one particular resolution that I continued to have the same resolution every year, and each year passing by the same negative result of not following it :) Yesteryears have been a good testimony on that.  Good perseverance yeah!!
“Getting up early in the morning”. Gosh. I cannot!  Not at any given point of time!  

Note that I have taken last year's resolution too seriously, S Boss is all set to do the appraisal for me (Grrrrr).  

Description of the Ratings we used (Very professional we are!!)
EE – Exceeds Expectations
ME – Meets Expectations
BE – Below Expectations

Learn proper German Ich habe gut Deutsch gelernt. And the boss accepts it happily with a comment “Kudhutha kasu waste'a pogala”.  Rating: EE

Wake up time on Weekdays atleast before 7.00AM
For 6 to 7 months I think I managed to follow them (konjam over estimation dhan). Boss is not happy with this.    Rating: BE

Wake up time on Weekends atleast before 10.00AM
I do strive to get up, but that never works out for me. I end up having breakfast during the lunch time :)
Boss comments: To favour her ME rating, the goal should be revised to “atleast before 1.00PM”.        Rating: BE

Avoid unnecessarily spending on fashion artificial jewels, clothes etc
I pass this question from my side. Boss says "No improvements. The wife can never compromise on this. Married guys Beware!!    Rating: BE

Write atleast 5 blogs a month
I wasn't too regular here.  but Boss is very happy with the time I spend on Blogging.  Rating: ME

Cook atleast 20 new dishes this year
I tried more than 20 dishes. Cutlet, peas pulav, vegetable biriyani, fajitas, Adai-Avial to name a few
Boss says: Edible and eatable!!  Rating: EE

Not to waste time on Internet/Laptop/Chat
Earlier I was chatting, now I am playing. But the objective was never met.
Boss says: "I thought social networking sites are meant only for maintaining friends network. Donno who invented Zynga games in FB. Farmville down down, Facebook Ozhiga"   Rating: BE

Reduce eating Potato Chips and Chocolates
54 kgs is the resultant. I no speak.
Boss says: We compete a lot in Chips, though she clearly becomes the winner in Chocolates.  Rating: BE

Albeit a poor rating, I have made good accomplishments in the past year. For instance, completing my theory papers in Psychology, getting German certification, getting a job in Zurich, learning the tactics of MIL’s cooking to name a few.

But still... NO!! I am not happy with the ratings (booh booh!!).  The resultant - I am going to take a resolution "not to take any resolutions from this year onwards".


  1. Again LOL da! Your last resolution is what I take every new year "Not to take any resolution".. As such, some goals are more achievable with some self control, but controlling our shopping habits, sleeping late, binging on chips...Na...No way...Btw, Ask S to correct your rating for "eating potato chips"...I am 58 KG!!! ;)

  2. True Ro. After seeing this post, S buys Potato chips with 33% less fat:)

  3. Hello Vaish,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and posting your valuable comments.

    Read your post,I guess ur with TCS if I am not wrong all the best of ur appraisal.

    Where do stay in Amstelveen,long back I have stayed in Gondel.

    Keep visiting!


  4. @ Meghana,
    Thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving your comments. I am a home maker :) and I stay in Poortwachter.

  5. German.. wow.

    Weekend time to be revised to 1, LOL. too much. significantly below expectation :P

    Really can't agree for BE in 'not spending time on internet'. You should fight back. Demand EE.

    54 Kgs is good. Fight for EE :P

    Impressed with the one but last para. A WOW. I love psychology. If not into software, I would have pursued psychology career.

  6. wow..your way of describing things is remind me about myself -waking up early morning(after 7.. lol),munching on chocolates n chips,surfing the net,resolution everything...simply superb...i'll give u EE for everything dear ...don't worry!

  7. 54 Kgs????? for your standards it is too much :-)

  8. @ Karthik - No more demanding and begging. I will also get a chance to appraise HD's works sooner :)
    appo parthukalam ;)

    @ Sowmya - I am glad you liked the post. And thanks for dropping in :)

    @ Mothish - dei..after a real long time. Nice to see your comment in my blog.

  9. So mothathulla appraisal BE'a illai ME'a, looks like appraising people at EK confused you :P

    Jokes apart, have a great year ahead!

  10. Hi,

    We dont know each other. I received link to your post from KP when we were discussing abt ratings. I liked your post for the humour. It was nice to see spouses rating each other which otherwise is dreadful to think abt during appraisal seasons.. Keep posting.. I guess i'll visit here again.. Have a wonderful year ahead!

  11. Enjoyed reading! Do drop by

    when time permits
