
Friday, 16 January 2009

Tribute to our wedding website!!

Wishing all readers a Happy New Year... Today - our e-wedding website is expiring!! It’s been a successful year since the time we (S and I) launched our website. Way back -- 365 days ago, we were just engaged, and were quite particular to have a novel way of inviting our friends for our marriage. S recommended about the wedding websites, and I started researching for the + and - of diverse websites available on internet. We finally chose which we thought was the best suited website for us. Our relationship was built parallely as we started discussing about building the website. Both of us were in different corners of the world; and we come online everyday to chat mainly about the construction of the website andwedding preparations. We generally start our conversation around 9.30pm IST and end it next morning at 7.00am IST. The entire construction of the website was full of fun.

We got the Annual Gold Subscription Package for our website. We discussed about the templates, themes, background music, what to write, which photo to add and what not. As days passed by, we saw our website getting beautifully constructed. We sent it to many of our friends for suggestions and comments. Our wedding was on March 16th; we launched our website to all our friends as a part of wedding invitation on March 1st week; We subscribed for this website on January 17th. That is about 1.5 months of hard work, sleepless nights, discussions about anything and everything. As expected, we got good response for our website from our friends, relatives and well wishers. Infact, many of our friends appreciated us for having taken an innovative idea of inviting friends. Thanks to them for giving us lots of suggestions. Even after the marriage, we shared the wedding pictures with everyone in our website.

And is slowly expiring. Tomorrow if I go to our website, I will get a message “website not found” or “website not available” or “your website is expired”. My mind is still not able to accept that this website is no longer going to be with us. We even discussed about renewing our website for another year. But the usage is not going to be as effective as it was earlier. It will remain a mere website without much of activities, without any glamour, without any life. Thanks to E-Wedding site for giving us the option of keepsake CD to save and store all our website’s contents. We finally ordered our copy and waiting for it.

Ode to our website: 

The wedding website 
was our baby 
we created it, 
nurtured it 
gave it a beautiful look, 
won lot of appreciations.
It was our Mom and Dad,
 it accompanied us all way 
it created our relationship 
it helped us get closer 
 It was our friend 
it helped us understand 
more it entertained us, 
made us laugh 
 It was our teacher 
it made both of us work hard 
to acheive the goal efficiently
It was living with us... 
It is living with us... 
It will live with us 
throughout our lifetime 
In our Minds...

We miss you website….

UPDATE on 13th Feb 2009: 
Yippeeee!! Received our CD today by courier. It was too good to watch our website offline the same way we see it online. I am not missing anything now. Anytime I wanted to see my website, I can just run the CD. Can't get a better Valentine's Day gift than this!!!


  1. It's strange sometimes how things become a part of your life. You know that they won't remain for long, but you hate to lose them. I remember that website, it was a lovely one, with lots of colors and feel-good music. It really tends to give you a nostalgic feel :)

    The good thing is ateast you got a CD of the content. I suggest that you take screenshots of pages in your website that are of importance to you. Maybe in that way, you atleast have the satisfaction of recording some treasured memories :)

  2. @ aswin - Yeah...though this is a trivial thing, sometimes it affects us so much, and we get emotionally attached to that...btw..thanks a ton for giving your suggestion; I completely forgot about taking screenshots of them. Somehow managed to take it after reading ur comments :)

  3. Hey Anu, I never knew you ever had a wedding website neither did I knew there existed a website exclusive for wedding invitations!! Why dont you upload the same in googlepages or some other free servers so that it can be live forever?? Also I would get a chance to see it..

  4. The website details were given in my wedding invitation though. But now, Its no more :( I am waiting for my CD, and I have a few screenshots of my site. I will share them once i receive the CD.
    Visit for sample wedding portals.
